This website, blogs, landing pages, and all its subdomains, web and mobile applications (apps) written web contents were AUTHORED by Raphael.N.Okafor, while Systemtronix Solutions Limited® and Systemtronix Marketing Agency (SMA) are herein desctibed as the Copywriter, Web Content Writer, Copyrighter, and Publisher of this website. Therefore, this website, blogs, landing pages, and all its sub domains, web and mobile applications (apps) written web contents are NOT to be referred to as a physical book; rather it is a digital product for information dissemination, selling, buying, branding, and marketing or advertising purposes; although it could be printed out in hardcopy material for the convenience of certain categories of the readers, and other end-users of this website with all its sub domains, landing pages, blogs, web and mobile applications (apps) written web contents whom could be physically challenged, or incapacitated by any means or forms whatsoever in reading the digital version of this website publications, and all other written publications of this website subdomains, landing pages, blogs, web and mobile applications (apps). Certain words, phrases, clauses, statements, hypothesis, theories, postulations, graphical illustrations, images, video, recorded messages in audio, and much more that were used on this website, and on all its sub domains, landing pages, applications (apps), and blogs may not wholly, and necessarily represent the full corporate viewpoints of this website owner named herein as – Computronix Technologies®. The content of this website and all its sub domains, blogs, applications (apps), and landing pages MUST NOT be construed as a complete professional consultation or advisory information as well as the actual practical works or practicum manual, handbook, workbook, or blueprint on the products or goods, services, and brands of Computronix Technologies®. Let it be known that the contents of this website, and all its sub domains, landing pages, applications (apps), and blogs are subject to amendment from time-to-time without prior notice to all the readers and end-users of this website, and all its sub domains.
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