This is to notify everyone that all the “written marketing information” and “written web content” in part, and/or in whole that are contained on this website, and/or on all its sub domains, blogs, landing pages, web and mobile applications (apps), including any other version of hardcopy or digital copy material, which were authored by Raphael.N.Okafor belongs solely to Systemtronix Marketing Agency (SMA) and Systemtronix Solutions Limited® as the The Copywriter, Web Content Writer, and Copyrighter. Let it be known that we have also enabled all these “web written contents” in digital copy and hardcopy forms with WEB CRAWLER in order to detect every unauthorised use of all these “written web content” and “other written marketing information” on a hardcopy and/or digital material anywhere on the World Wide Web (WWW), or internet (online) at any time, anywhere, and for any reason, or purpose whatsoever. Furtherance to this statement, Systemtronix Marketing Agency (SMA) and Systemtronix Solutions Limited® will exercise her corporate rights by taking appropriate legal actions against defaulters to this rules for the unauthorised use of any written information, or written web contents that are contained on this website, and on all its sub domains, landing pages, blogs, web and mobile applications (apps), as well as to any other version of the hardcopy or digital copy publication material through any form of transmission, or communication medium, which could comprise the use of websites, sub domains, blogs, web/mobile applications (apps), landing pages, email messages, fax messages, databases, social media networks, in writing, by printing, photocopying, photo shooting, screen printing, radio broadcasting, television broadcasting, audio recording, video coverage, seminar, webinar, podcast, webcast, video conference, and much more for the dissemination of this “written web content” and “other written marketing information” without seeking for authorised permission to use them from Systemtronix Solutions Limited® and Systemtronix Marketing Agency (SMA). Please, DO NOT SELL, COPY, DOCUMENT, STORE, DUPLICATE, EMAIL, FAX, DISTRIBUTE, or USE any of these written marketing information, or written web contents in part, and/or in whole contained on this Computronix Technologies® website, and on all its sub domains, blogs, landing pages, web and mobile applications (apps) for any reason whatsoever without a written permission to Systemtronix Solutions Limitedf® and Systemtronix Marketing Agency (SMA) because it is our intellectual property (IP), which is copyright © protected. We want to inform everyone that are reading and using this website, and all its sub domains, blogs, landing pages, web and mobile applications (apps) about our managed defence response by digitally tracking any illegal or illicit activities that may be carried out by malicious end-users of this website features, tools, extensions, software, applications (apps), digital products, and much more, which are contained on this website, and on all its sub domains, blogs, landing pages, web/mobile applications (apps) as well as the downloading and sharing of all the e-books, application forms, articles, other corporate or business literature, journals, training course materials or modules, blueprints, white papers, blue papers, yellow papers, playbooks, and much more. Systemtronix Solutions Limited® will continue to work hand-in-hand with responsible, relevant, and authorised internet regulatory authorities that are spread around the world to administer the appropriate punitive measures to the defaulters of this copyright© protection notice that is covering this website with all its sub domains, blogs, landing pages, web and mobile applications (apps) solely owned by Computronix Technologies®. Thank you so much for your anticipated understanding and strict adherance to this copyright© protection notice.
- [i]► Please note that copying, documenting, duplicating, sharing, putting into use, transmitting, re-transmitting, producing, or reproducing of all our “written marketing contents” in part, and/or in whole for our brochures, e-books, articles, journals, application forms, registration forms, blueprints, whitepapers, blue papers, yellow papers, playbooks, manuals, handbooks, training courses materials or modules, training courses outlines, and other corporate or company literature, plus our website(s), blogs, newsletters, sub domains, landing pages, web/mobile applications (apps), email messages, fax messages, databases, social media networks; in writing, by printing, photocopying, photo shooting, screen printing, radio broadcasts, television broadcasts, audio recording, video coverage, podcasts, webcasts, webinars, seminars, video conferencing, and in any other form, means, or manner; in which our “written marketing information” or “written web contents” could be used WITHOUT any prior notification in writing by email message to Systemtronix Solutions Limited® and Systemtronix Marketing Agency (SMA) for proper authorisation and consent is NOT allowed, and will NEVER be tolerated or condoned for any reason whatsoever. Furthermore, please also be notified that all the official documents, “written marketing information”, and “written web contents”, including all the documents and “written information contents” belonging to all the business partners of this website owner named as – Computronix Technologies® are also protected by copyright because they are all intellectual property (IP) of the respective author(s) and publisher(s). The defaulters to this rule shall be vigorously prosecuted under governing laws within the affected and concerned jurisdictions.
- [ii]► All the names or nomenclatures of various business partners we have either stated or listed in any of our “written content publications” in both hardcopy and digital copy formats are also the Brand Names and Registered® Trademarks™ of the various business partners that owns them as their respective Registered® Trademarks™, and does NOT in any means or forms denotes or recognises either Computronix Technologies®, or Systemtronix Solutions Limited®, and Systemtronix Marketing Agency (SMA) to be the Copyright Owner, Copywriter, Content Writer, Reseller, or Dealer of such listed business partner with the exception of all the business partners, which Computronix Technologies® may have sealed partnership business cooperation with them. Thank you so much for taking your time in reading this copyright© protection notice.
- [iii]► The Author of this website referred herein as Raphael .N. Okafor, the Owner of this website defined herein as Computronix Technologies®, while the Copywriter, the Content Writer, and the Copyrighter of this website “written web contents”, which are hereby known as Systemtronix Marketing Agency (SMA) and Systemtronix Solutions Limited® solemnly reaffirms and declares that all the rules and regulations governing PLAGIARISM – (the originality of ideas); were strictly adhered to in writing these “web contents” and all the “marketing gimmicks” written on the images, pictures, or photographs, videos, and recorded or live audio messages (webcasts) we used on this website, and/or on all its subdomains, blogs, landing pages, web applications (apps), mobile applications (apps), testimonials, news forum, social media networks or handles, on this company web portals, and much more. We also credibly complied with the order of laws and preachings of PLAGIARISM without any iota of disobedience. We therefore, reiterate that no part; either in phrases, clauses, statements, or wholly in full copy of these “written web contents” and “marketing gimmicks” written on the images, videos, and live or recorded audio messages (webcasts); as used on this website, and/or on all its subdomains, blogs, landing pages, web and mobile applications (apps), and etcetera MUST NOT be reproduced or cited in any form or means whatsoever without a written and authorised permission from Computronix Technologies®, Systemtronix Solutions Limited®, and Systemtronix Marketing Agency (SMA). We maintain that we shall frown against Defaulters for non compliance to this instructions.